What length/brand slackline should i buy for a beginner? Gibbon, Elephant, 15 metre or 25 metre?

What length/brand slackline should i buy for a beginner? Gibbon, Elephant, 15 metre or 25 metre?


Very short version: We recommend the Elephant 15mt Rookie for beginners in most cases. You can read more below to find out why.

Buying a Slackline in Australia is easy. The two main brands in the world of slacklining are Elephant Slacklines and Gibbon Slacklines. Both excellent brands founded in Europe. 

The Elephant lines are still manufactured in Germany which gives then the lead in quality still, yet Gibbon remains the world leader due to epic marketing and a solid product lineup. 

So which one should you get? Well from our stand point, the Elephant provide better value for a first timer getting into slacklining. The fact that they are made in Germany is a strong point, and you can certainly feel the difference. 

We also have a good deal with the Elephant Rookie which includes the tree protectors. 

Aside from brand, people question what length  they should get when starting out. 

15 metre or 25 metre?

First note: The length listed is the longest possible length. A 15mt can be set up at 5mt and so can a 25mt. 

The length also determines the size and weight of the slackline. If you don't plan on setting up over the 15mt anytime soon, i'd recommend the 15mt. This is heaps for most people and kind of the optimal length for everyday slacklining. 

If you are keen to push the limits a bit, then the 25mt is the way to go. You can start short and increase as your confidence and skills increase. 




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